Auckland Area Rally
Ignite Cabin 2A
Kia ora from NZ!
It's been way too long since I updated this and for that i'm sorry.
I would love to tell you about a couple awesome things i've been apart of these past couple weeks.
Ignite Camp.
I had the incredible privilege of being a head cabin leader at Ignite Camp. ECW had a group of about 30 students that attended. With about 200 students in total attendance. The weekend was full of team games, concert from the band Willet (from Maryland!) and speaking and worship times. The last night, I had the chance of leading 2 of the kids in my cabin to a new life with Christ. It was great. I thank God that He used me.
Auckland Area Rally.
About a week ago, around 180 students and leaders from the Nazarene & Wesleyan churches of Auckland to gather in worship and a special concert put on by Willet.
I was in charge of all promotion and marketing for the event so I was excited when we had such a great turnout. It was a great time of hanging out and worshiping Christ together.
Those are just a few of the things that i've had the chance to be in a lead role in. God has been teaching me a lot about faithfulness. I've also been reading through the Gospels every week. I'm learning a lot about my beautiful Creator.
"Find out how much God has given you and from it take what you need; the remainder is needed by others." - St. Augustine
thank you for all the support and prayer