Thursday, October 1, 2009


Hello all.

I am safely here in Pretoria, SA, just outside of Johannesburg, getting ready to crash for the night @ the World Hope/SA HQ. 2 days of traveling has taken it's "toll" and I'm sore for no reason at all. Our flights all went smoothly and I had more airplane meals than any normal person should have within 24 hrs. I had breakfast in Amsterdam today. Tomorrow morning, we are sleeping in and meeting with the other local artists that will be performing with us at the Hopefests here in SA. We start the Hopefests on Monday but have this weekend to rest and prepare for the coming week. But for now, I am off to bed (it is 6pm ET and midnight here). I think my body is trying to be in both time zones at once. I will try and update this as much as possible these next 2 weeks.

Hope you're all doing well. Keep praying.



  1. Glad to hear that you arrived safely. We miss you already. JJ had an amazing game - even got his name called from the press box for a big tackle. Keep the posts coming - even the boring stuff - moms want to know these things!

    Love, Mom

  2. good to hear john!
    have fun and be safe!

  3. Hi John, I read your blog, sounds like you're going to have a fantastic time over there, So-o-o you enjoy and I know the people there will truly be blessed by you and your music.What a treasure you are, Much love and prayers (every day..several times.)
